Friday, March 16, 2012

A wonderful gift of Understanding

Hahaha... In the past i used to ask God about some stupid question...
I remember i was in the badminton competition. And i ask " If i pray to win and my opponent pray to win too, so who will God listen to?" If only God answer 1 person and make the person win, then God is unfair to the loser than... Well, i was the loser back than.. hahahaa...

Guess until today i still find that sometimes i still ask this question in a different form.
I am glad that God always never failed to give me new understanding each new day as i read His word and walk along with Him. He teach me winning doesn't always mean the best for you. As he promise me that He have PLAN that will prosper me.

Me and My wife even though we only married for almost 2 years, yet we have been put to take hard decision for certain times. around july 2011 we decided to live separately as i went back to samarinda and she will stay in singapore untill we have our first child. It wasn't an easy decision though. we pray and ask for direction and conviction. I cried hard before i left her there at that nite and i feel so hard to live separately for i don't know how long will it be. Even my worker can ask me this question " i wonder how dare you left ur wife alone in singapore while she pregnant? I just could not image those kind of things?" to answer that question, ya me too i dunno how can i do that... My father ask me once "Will you 2 be emotionally apart and will no longer have much desire and love after certain periode cause of the long distance?" 

I am so grateful that me and my wife choose to follow what God have convince us. And we do not follow what we fear of. It's almost 8 months now and we are great and also expecting a great boy to join in our small family. My love to her and her love to me grow deeply. you don't believe me? here what she send me yesterday :p 
You can see the round face and the sexy lips right.. hahaha...
Well, Situation doesn't make our life, Yet OUR CHOICE does make our life. That's why leader always say, Choose to do the right things.. Cause it will determine how your life will be.

Good things are not always the things that looks good in the eyes or sounds good in the ear or maybe smell great in our nose. Also they are not always feels great emotionally in our heart.
But i learn and understand that goods things are my love still grow stronger to my wife even though we live apart, i am not a loser even when i loose the badminton match :), The Joy from the Lord as He gave me understanding in the rough road, and the good things is i know there will be away when there seems to be no way. Like one of my friend say "Hope is always there"

I love you Jesus and i Love my life that you gave :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Openness.. so what about it?

Hi all,

Sorry hohoho.. it's been awhile that i got tide up with few things of to do list in samarinda. But i should not miss sharing my life here kan?? hehehe...
I owe a sister call chin explanation about openness in LG. i almost forgot the things that i want to share till i need to read her blog again.. wakakkaa... u got to read her blog the one posted on 12 jan 2012, it's awesome heart sharing. alright, here it is chin

I do heard a lot about openness. i heard about some people share that there is no openness in LG so that it feels dull and it's just not as warm as before in the past when they all open their life among the LG. and i do heard people that want to start to be open to other people to build bonding towards the people in LG. but the point is, do we really understand, what kind of openness does God want us to bring to the world?
If we don't understand about it, many times, openness will just be another disappointment in our life.

My question is, if you today decide to be open towards the people in the LG, how open you want it to be? you share about all of your private life? or you share about ur deepest secret? if the answer is yes, than after the LG listen to it, some will pray for you and you will say thank God. and some will just be quiet and just listen to it. and you will say hmm okey. and another some will go and talk about it with other people and you will get disappointed. don't you think so? yeah that's what i think.

than if so, why should we promote openness? why all leaders talk about openness all time? well sometimes, we just don't get the whole picture when the leader share about it. what we get only "openness".

Yes, it is important to share life and to have openness in LG. 

As Christian, God really teach us to be open to brother and sister in Christ to watch over one another. ( i guess it talk about the posible sin that might happen in our life)
for this kind of openness, before hand, you better be sure and secure of your identity in Christ. As the bible said that human bring disappointment, only God will never disappoint you. so when you open your life to people, even it is ur own pastor, you must be secure in no matter what happen. even if it disappoint you, ur faith will said, It is God's plan and it happen not to harm me, but to prosper me.. to me, this kind of openness it is not proper to be open to the whole people in LG, but be open to the people that you see he or she hold the God's character that have heart to care for people.

As Christian, openness that can promote love for others that doesn't expect anything from other is when you share ur new life with the people, tell them about how ur past and how secure ur are with ur past and God have given you a great new life right now. To share to them about how God teach you to see things right now compare to the past.. how secure you are now to admit that you are sinner, that's how you need Christ. As you share and open your life, you have share CHRISTIAN VALUE into someones life. what important is THE VALUE that God has given to you, impart it to people around you through ur life. openness DOES NOT only come from a MOUTH, but it comes a lot from OUR LIFE. 
openness that expect nothing, openness that shared the joy that you've received, openness that bless others with the VALUE  that u've got from Christ... this kind of openness that we need to see from each individual in our LG. 
by the time goes, there will be trust growing stronger among you and Christ and the people. And by that time you will come to realize that there are no more deep secret that u would like to keep as everything in your life is for the glory of God alone. 

Hope this bless you as it has bless me many time. Unselfish openness, i guess that was the right word :), it was just as what the sister in the group said " openness that bring changes and experience"